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Almost every housewife feels inconveniences when cooking, which can be avoided by using secrets from the masters of the kitchen. In this article we will describe the most useful, in our opinion, life hacks that will help you: save time, improve the taste of dishes and make cooking more comfortable.How to make a dish less salty If you over-salted soup or stew - do not despair. You can get rid of excess salt by adding sliced raw potatoes to the dish and boiling until ready.How to fill a microwave oven The size of the microwave oven chamber is not able to accommodate two dishes at once. What if the second plate does not fit? The answer is simple: put a faience mug or bowl next to the first plate and use it as a stand for the second course.How to fry sandwiches in a toaster, try putting a couple of pieces of bread in one slot of the toaster. This will make them toasty on the outside and soft on the inside. You get two in one!Cooling the wine If you want to quickly cool the white wine so that it does not seem diluted and does not lose its unique taste, try putting a couple of frozen grapes instead of ice. This is a great way not to spoil an expensive wine with the taste of water.We use the space under the sink to our advantage. All housewives know that the cabinet under the kitchen sink serves to accommodate a rich arsenal of detergents and cleaning products. How can we make this space used more efficiently? To do this, you need to nail a horizontal rod under the sink and hang detergents on it by the taps.Plastic ketchup and mayonnaise containers are well known that a lot of thick liquid remains on the walls in used bags. Not everyone guesses to cut the package in half to extract the remnants of ketchup or mayonnaise from its halves. Take sharp kitchen scissors and... in general, you will scrape together a couple of extra sandwiches.We use sunflower oil sparingly. Every housewife knows how difficult it is to control sunflower oil when you pour it into a frying pan. Excess consumption can be avoided if you pour the oil from the "native" bottle into a cleanly washed plastic ketchup bottle. Of course, the bottle must be equipped with a dispenser. After that, the oil will be poured into the pan in a thin economical trickle. It is not difficult to calculate the benefits of this simple device: the savings are obvious. Sweet Bonanza apresenta um design brilhante e colorido, com frutas vibrantes e guloseimas açucaradas como bolinhos, donuts e sorvetes que compõem os símbolos. A música de fundo também é animada e alegre, criando uma atmosfera divertida e empolgante para os jogadores. O slot Sweet Bonanza oferece uma excitante funcionalidade de Free Spins, que pode ser acionada ao obter 4 ou mais símbolos de dispersão. Você receberá 8 rodadas grátis e terá a chance de acionar novamente o recurso até 5 vezes, dando-lhe o potencial de obter até 40 rodadas grátis.